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DISC blogs

DISC blogs

Welcome to the DISC Boulevard library. Here you will find lots of additional information about DISC and you can refresh or even expand your knowledge. We’ll give you extra tips and new insights about the DISC behavioural styles and the corresponding behavioural or communication preferences.

What questions do the 4 DISC styles have?

Communication consists of verbal and non-verbal communication. What makes you have a very fluent conversation with one person and hard work with another? This is often due to similarities or, on the contrary, differences in behavioural styles. Two people with the same behavioural style generally fit together better than those with opposite behavioural styles. The […]

Working together based on the DISC styles 

Working together in a team can be challenging. All different people with different ways of communicating. In many teams we encounter, there is room for improvement in mutual cooperation. How can you improve collaboration with each of the different DISC styles? Below are some tips for collaboration by DISC style.

DISC and personal leadership

It is often easier to lead a team than to lead yourself. Personal leadership is about leading yourself. That this is not always easy is clear. Being aware of your own behaviour is the start point. When you are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your behaviour, you can then work on those aspects […]

DISC and leadership

Part of your job as a manager, team lead, director, team leader or other type of leader is to give direction to the talents and qualities of your team members. The better you are at doing this as a manager, the more successful your team will ultimately be. Each manager usually does this in the […]

Managing the various DISC styles

Every DISC-style has its own preference when it comes to being managed. When the manager’s behavioural style matches the other person’s behavioural style, it will have a positive effect on cooperation.

Core qualities and pitfalls

Each DISC behavioural style has its own core qualities and thus strengths. But there are also pitfalls that correspond to different DISC behavioural styles. Below you can read about some of the qualities and pitfalls of each behavioural style.

How to recognise the DISC styles

The key to effective communication lies in recognising the other person’s behavioural style so that you can align your own with it. Everyone has a combination of the four different behavioural styles but you often see one or two behavioural style(s) that are most strongly present in someone. By understanding your own behavioural style and […]

DISC: what gives and what takes energy

Each DISC style has certain behavioural characteristics. Below you can read for each behavioural style what gives someone energy but also what costs someone energy. If the situation calls for it, you can also show behaviour that might be further away from you. However, if you have to show behaviour other than where your preferences […]

About DISC Boulevard

DISC Boulevard is the place for HR professionals, trainers, recruiters and (team) coaches who work with DISC analyses. We offer high-quality DISC analyses for a low rate. In addition, our products can be purchased in three different forms. As a result, there is always a version available that suits your needs. Are you curious about what the DISC can do within your field? Then take a look at: