The DISC model consists of two axes:
Thinking – Feeling
Extravert – Introvert
Based on these axes, DISC behavioural styles are defined. The following is measured:

How to deal with problems and challenges.
How do you manage to convince others of your ideas.
How to deal with changes and tempo changes.
How to deal with established rules and procedures.
Opposite DISC styles
The blue behavioural style (conformism) is opposite to the yellow behavioural style (influence) and the red behavioural style (dominant) is opposite to the green behavioural style (stability).
It is possible that someone scores high on both the blue and the yellow or the red and the green behavioural style. So in this case, someone then has two opposing DISC styles higher than 50%. As a result, this person may end up in conflict with themselves. We also call this a ‘Me-Me conflict’. This can sometimes be very difficult. But how does this work?
For example: The yellow DISC style has a fast pace, always likes to pick up new things and does not always finish something first, can be a bit chaotic and usually decides by gut feeling. If, in addition to this yellow style, someone also scores high in the blue DISC style, this person is more cautious, structured, likes to finish something before starting something new. The pace might be slower, but it is more constant. Also, the blue style decides from reason and facts. As you read: these styles can therefore conflict internally.
How do you handle an internal conflict?
As a trainer/coach, it is important to ask thoroughly how the combination of these opposite styles works for the person concerned. After all, this is different for everyone. In what situations does the internal conflict occur? Are there situations where more of the yellow behavioural style emerges, or rather situations where the blue behavioural style is predominant?
So it can be very tricky if you score two opposite styles above 50%. But having opposite styles also has something just right: they are very complementary to each other. Both styles complement each other very nicely!
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