A cohesive team is essential to an organisation’s success. When team members work well together and trust each other, more can be achieved and challenges can be tackled more effectively. To achieve this, it is of course useful to understand the different DISC styles present within your team. But don’t forget the impact of teambuilding! […]
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The different behavioural styles are sometimes difficult to remember and easy to confuse. Many people are visually oriented. That is why colours are linked to the DISC styles. For example, when someone has done DISC analysis in the past, they often don’t remember which behavioural styles were predominant, but the colours are remembered. The colours […]
We spend a lot of hours in our lives with our colleagues. Besides the content of work, having enjoyable colleagues is often an important prerequisite. After all, experiencing job satisfaction is largely caused by our colleagues. When team members can come to each other, help each other where necessary and are there for each other, […]
Two DISC scores come out of the DISC analysis. One representing your basic style and one representing your response style. The basic style is the behaviour you show unconsciously, without thinking about it. You do this in a safe environment where you can be 100% yourself and where you are relaxed, but also in stressful […]
DISC is a multi-purpose instrument. For instance, it can be used in training, coaching, career guidance and also in recruitment. DISC can serve as a starting point. It does not mean that DISC can solve and explain everything, but the DISC behavioural analysis can provide the necessary insights. Also when it comes to recruitment and […]
DISC distinguishes four behavioural styles: Dominance, Influence, Stability and Conformism.Many people are visually oriented. This makes the colours stick better than the names of the behavioural styles or DISC letters. Red, Yellow, Green and Blue are linked to the behavioural styles. In this blog, we will focus specifically on DISC Blue.
The DISC model identifies four behavioural styles: Dominance, Influence, Stability and Conformism. Each DISC style has specific behavioural characteristics. Everyone has something of each behavioural style in them. The higher you score on a particular style, the more present and recognisable it is to others. The behavioural styles have been given an appropriate colour for […]
With the DISC model, you map observable behaviour. It is about how you come across to others, not about who you are. The DISC model is divided into four behavioural styles: Dominance, Influence, Stability and Conformism. Each of the behavioural styles has specific behavioural characteristics. Behavioural styles are sometimes more difficult to remember. A colour, […]
DISC is a model that allows you to gain insight into a person’s behaviour. With a DISC analysis, you visualise the scores of each behavioural style. The combination between the scores says something about how you come across to another person in your behaviour. The behavioural styles measured are: Dominance, Influence, Stability and Conformism. But […]