Building teams using DISC can bring many benefits. It ensures that everyone is in the right place and can make full use of his or her qualities. You will also gain insight into group dynamics, allowing you to understand each other better. Read all the characteristics, qualities and development points per DISC behavioural style that emerge in a team.
Working together in a team with similar behavioural styles
Perhaps another question beforehand. Wouldn’t it be better to build a team with like-minded people? So a team with people that have only yellow or green DISC styles? The answer is obvious. Within such teams, one is likely to agree quickly. However, the question is: how effective is one? We believe in complementary teams, in which all DISC styles are represented. In this type of team, behavioural traits that are lacking in one person can be complemented by another. The trick is to focus everyone on what he or she is good at and energises. Each DISC style can contribute to a strong team. And each style will do so in his or her own way. Because each style can contribute to the team.
Conformism – Blue behaviour
Conformism measures the extent to which a person conforms to rules and guidelines established by others.
Pursues the most qualitative solution
Thoroughly analyses issues or situations in advance
Tackles problems thoroughly and systematically
Uses methods that have proven to be successful
Works accurately and checks carefully what he or she delivers
Avoids mistakes and will eliminate risks as much as possible
Acts diplomatically and tactfully
Monitors progress and maintains an overview
Dominant – Red behaviour
Dominance measures how a person responds to problems and challenges.
Goes for challenges and sets ambitious goals
Sets changes in motion
Approaches problems and solves them
Keeps the team focused on the goal
Doesn’t procrastinate and does it now
Dares to stick his or her neck out and take risks
Acts quickly and directly
Enjoys multiple tasks and activities simultaneously
Stability – Green behaviour
Stability measures how a person reacts to changes and tempo changes and how easily a person adapts to them.
Has genuine consideration for everyone in the team
Enjoys working with others in the team
Carries out what others in the team have come up with
Works relentlessly until something is finished
Enjoys working for others
Reassures others who are at a loss for words
Makes an effort to create a stable setting
Maintains harmony in the team
Influence – Yellow behaviour
Influence measures how a person influences and convinces others of his or her views or ideas.
Comes up with creative and unconventional ideas
Knows how to communicate his or her story enthusiastically
Knows how to convince others to contribute
Creates a positive and fun atmosphere
Ensures that successes are celebrated together
Looks on the bright side of problems
Facing challenges with optimism
Thinks in solutions, not in problems
Want to know more about what exactly DISC analysis measures and what the behavioural styles entail? Read a detailed explanation here.
A team with like-minded people
What behaviour would you see if you put together a team containing only ‘like-minded’ people? So a team consisting, for example, people with only red, yellow, green, or blue styles.
A blue team:
Acts in a planned way
Works from clear rules and guidelines
Strives for quality
Works accurately and carefully
Does thorough preliminary research and analyses the situation in advance
Can one be supercritical
One becomes indecisive; after all, more analysis is always possible
Does one not dare to take risks
One is very sensitive to criticism from others
Get bogged down in details
A red team:
Focuses on goals and results
Is decisive and takes decisions quickly
Is not easily discouraged by setbacks
Pulls out all the stops to achieve the goal
Has a sense of urgency
Can appear blunt and tactless
Conflicts will arise due to cockiness
Will everyone want to work for themselves
Wants to win at all costs
The task comes before the individual
A yellow team:
Will be creative and resourceful
Knows a positive atmosphere and is optimistic
Is energetic and prefers to do many things at once
Thinks in possibilities; not in problems
Has a great sense of humour and likes to party
Is not always realistic
Is there a lot of talking and not always a lot done
Lacking structure and planning
Is not always objective and lacks factual foundation
Lacks a clear focus
A green team:
Is patient and committed
Is eager to help others
Knows a harmonious atmosphere
Will put the needs of others first
Is loyal to their client
Does one find it difficult to change
Finds it difficult to make decisions
Does one avoid conflicts
Finds it difficult to deal with uncertainty
Is one not very flexible as a team
The effectiveness of a like-minded team
The question is whether such teams will be effective. Many studies show that effective teams consist of people who complement each other. So when putting together a team, take into account the behavioural styles that are already present and see which styles are underrepresented. Precisely these styles can be complementary, which will help you move forward as a team.
Creating a team
What are the goals to be achieved together, what behaviour does this require from the team? To see what is potentially present within the DISC team, start from the basic style and not the response style. The base style indicates what natural behaviour is there. By making a team profile of the basic styles present, you gain insight into what is already present and who can contribute to the team goals from his or her basic style. You also gain insight into the missing styles and which type you could add to the team.
Of course, looking only at someone’s DISC style would be too short-sighted, as other aspects are also important, such as knowledge, experience and education. But when the hard criteria are met, it certainly pays to look precisely at the missing behavioural styles in the team.
Building a team with the DISC analysis
Curious about your basic and response style or want to see if your employees are in the right place? Then a DISC analysis is the first step! Do you want to get started with DISC analysis right away? Sign up for a free account!