Are you a trainer and certified in DISC? Then you probably already know how much the DISC behavioural analysis can help with training. Yet we find that trainers sometimes find the translation from content to practice difficult. And that’s a shame, because it can help participants on many levels.
Read more about the usability and usefulness of the DISC behavioural analysis for trainers below. Go to:
- Sales training
- Cooperation training
- Learning to provide feedback
- Leadership training
- Other training courses
Awareness of behaviour and self-understanding
By using DISC analysis, you can easily make participants aware of the behaviour they show. This is because it is first about awareness and self-insight. From there, you can then look at how you can be more effective by adapting your behavioural style to the other person. DISC Boulevard’s tools can help you as a trainer achieve more impact with your training programmes.
DISC analyses and the added value for trainers
So in which training can the DISC best be used? Actually, in lots of different programmes. Below is an overview of how the DISC analysis can add value to your training:
Sales training with DISC
This training teaches participants how to identify and respond to customer needs. What can DISC analysis do for you? By gaining insight into the various DISC behavioural styles, you can learn to recognise these in your client and respond accordingly. By connecting to the client’s DISC style, you will create a connection and goodwill.
For smoother sales conversations
In a sales training programme, the DISC analysis can be used as a good starting point. When participants fill in the analysis, they gain insight into their preferences, strengths and areas of improvement. In this way, people can be specifically trained in areas they find challenging in sales. Connecting with other styles and learning to deal with your own pitfalls can help participants in the sales conversation.
Team building and collaboration training
Training aimed at improving teamwork usually involves improving the mutual atmosphere, communication and collaboration. Often, these training sessions revolve around understanding everyone’s qualities and pitfalls, learning to give and receive feedback, learning to communicate effectively and making clear working agreements.
Ensure better collaboration through in-depth understanding
Using the DISC behavioural analysis can help you as a trainer to provide more depth to the training. Participants gain insight into their basic and response behaviour and from each other. How do they come across to others, what behaviour do they show in the work environment? By using a team profile, you gain insight into which styles are or are not present in the team. You can see which style is naturally best suited to achieving the team objectives. You gain insight into what exactly gives someone energy or not. By using the qualities of the team members, it becomes easier to achieve team goals.
Learning to provide feedback
Whereas employees still dare to address each other on (safe) topics, it often becomes a lot harder to address other people on their behaviour. Not giving feedback can have a negative impact on cooperation and the mutual atmosphere in the long run. This could lead to irritations, disappointments or wrong expectations. Feedback is therefore a necessary condition for good and long-term cooperation.
Providing constructive feedback
During feedback training, you learn to address each other constructively. Using the DISC behavioural analysis, participants gain insight into how they may come across to others. Where do someone’s own preferences lie and how is that received by the other person. From there, tools can be provided to learn to adjust your feedback to better suit the other person. This way, you learn to deliver your message in a constructive way, which benefits mutual cooperation and ultimately productivity.
Leadership training
You may be good at your job, but managing people requires a whole different skill set. It is often not enough just to transfer knowledge and expect everything to work out. During a leadership training course, we look at how you can best manage your people. This can be different for a manager starting out than for a more experienced manager. It is also important to look at who is being led. More guidance may be needed at operational level than when dealing with professionals at tactical level.
Recognise behavioural styles and respond accordingly
What can DISC do in this regard? First of all, the DISC analysis itself can give you an insight into your leadership style. In what way are you likely to encourage your people to do their work? In addition, you will learn to recognise the behavioural styles of others and to respond to them effectively and find the connection. Besides finding individual connection, you can also use a DISC analysis to create a team web. This shows you at a glance which behavioural styles are present or absent in a team.
Other DISC training courses
Described above are a number of common training courses where using DISC analysis can be of great value. These are just a few examples. Of course, many more training courses can be thought of in which the DISC model can make an effective contribution. For example: complaint training, team building, networking, negotiating, time management, etc.
Taking steps
In all these trainings, a DISC behavioural analysis can help clarify where your preferences lie in terms of behaviour. From that insight, new steps can be taken. What is your preferred style and where is the need of the person sitting opposite you. By learning to match the other person’s style, you will gain impact on many fronts.